
Resultaten zoals gepubliceerd in The Netherlands Heart Jounal t/m maart 2012. 

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March 2012 Aortic Volume Measurement
January 2012 The prevalence of PAH in patient with CHD in a tertiary referral center
November 2011 Selectively declined right ventricular function after cardiac surgery
September 2011 The prevalence of congenital heart disease
Juni 2011 The genetic basis of Ebstein Anomaly
April 2011 Atherosclerosis risk is increased in adults after successful coarctation repair
December 2010 Z-score for aortic dilatation in Marfan Syndrome
Oktober 2010 Sudden Deaths in congenital heart disease
August 2010 CHD in Down syndrome in residential centres
May 2010 8000 patients missing project
March 2010 Increase in inclusion in 2009 per main diagnosis
February 2010 Inclusion and main diagnoses
January 2010 Medisch Spectrum Twente hospital
December 2009 Website visitors
November 2009 Inclusion and main diagnoses
October 2009 Late complications / OLVG hospital
September 2009 "8000 missing patients" project
July/August 2009 22q11 deletions
June 2009 Endocarditis / Kennemer hospital Haarlem
May 2009 Increase of inclusion per main diagnosis in 2008
April 2009 Distribution of main diagnosis and age by severity
March 2009 Increase in inclusion in 2008 per main diagnosis
February 2009

Congenital Heart Disease and Genomics

January 2009 VSD
December 2008 "Other diagnoses" / UMC Nijmegen
November 2008 Inclusion / Vlissingen hospital
October 2008 Gender differences and outcome
September 2008 Mortality / Terneuzen hospital
July/August 2008 Mortality / causes of death
June 2008 Interventions / Tergooi hospital
May 2008 Bicuspid aortic valve
April 2008 Geographic origin website visitors
March 2008 Late complication
February 2008 Events in ASD patients
January 2008 Increase in inclusion in 2007 per main diagnosis
December 2007 Fontan
November 2007 CVA / TIA
October 2007 Transposition of the great arteries
September 2007 Arrhythmia
July/August 2007 Aortic coarctation
June 2007 Endocarditis
May 2007 Fallot
April 2007 Ventricular septal defect
March 2007 Increase in inclusion per year, UMC vs non-UMC
February 2007 Participating centers
January 2007 CONCOR Research projects
December 2006 Pulmonary valve stenosis
November 2006 Bicuspid aortic valve
October 2006 Marfan
September 2006 Aortic coarctation
July/August 2006 Fontan
June 2006 'Other' diagnoses
May 2006 Pulmonary hypertension & Eisenmenger syndrome
April 2006 Deceased patients and main diagnoses
March 2006 Zahara results
February 2006 Late complications
January 2006 Atrial septal defect
December 2005 Participating centers
November 2005 Cerebrovascular complications
October 2005 Transposition
September 2005 Pulmonary stenosis
July/August 2005 Gender differences
June 2005 Aortic interventions in patients with aortic valvar stenosis
May 2005 Interventions in Fallot patients
April 2005 Aortic Stenosis
March 2005 Family history
February 2005 Interventions
January 2005 Arrhythmia
December 2004 Participating centers
November 2004 Pulmonary hypertension versus main diagnosis
October 2004 Pulmonary hypertension versus age
September 2004 Late complications
July/August 2004 Comparison with other large CHD registries worldwide
June 2004 Cerebrovascular complications
May 2004 Familial history (2)
April 2004 Familial history (1)
March 2004 Participating centers
February 2004 Interventions
January 2004 Atrial septal defect
December 2003 Arrhythmia
November 2003 Marfan syndrome
October 2003 Pulmonary valvar stenosis
September 2003 Aortic coarctation
July/August 2003 Aortic valvar stenosis
June 2003 Transposition of the great arteries
May 2003 Tetralogy of Fallot
April 2003 Late complications
March 2003 Familial history
February 2003 Cerebrovascular complications
January 2003 Interventions
December 2002 Arrhythmia
November 2002
(first newsletter!)
Inclusion status (general)