Every investigator can send in a request for data (and DNA material) from the CONCOR registry for the purpose of a specific scientific question.
- Detailed information about the procedure can be found here >>
- Information on the costs of a DNA request can be found here>>
There are two different request forms:
Also, the investigator needs to fill in and sign a special declaration form. This form can be downloaded here>> The request form should be downloaded, be filled in completely, and together with the signed declaration for and a clinical research protocol be submitted to:
CONCOR project
AMC Secretariaat poli cardiologie C2-431, Meibergdreef 9
1105 AZ Amsterdam
tel : 020-5667644
tel : 020-5668017
Further inquiries
For questions about the procedure the investigator cab contact the CONCOR project group at this e-mail address: